Paddleboarding was not designed as a sport in beginning. It appeared as a result of solution which was found by surf instructors who wanted to accompany their students while they were training them.
After a while it become a sport officially and from then it has been gaining a popularity.
By its ease of use their benefits to human body is wonderful and people love paddleboarding gradually.
After busy days on which it’s hard to live healthy, attending a tough sport lesson needs much more discipline and adherence.
Alternatively paddleboarding appears as funny way of stay fit.
Paddleboarding is useful for human body and has everything to reach your fitness targets.
You can paddleboard in Yalikavak Sailing Club and you can play sports to keep your health while enjoying nature and sea.
Please contact us for price information and any questions you may have.
1. It is an amazing cardio exercise
Although it seems easy when you look from seaside, you can paddleboad as an intensive exercise. As a part of your session increasing your working speed, racing with your friends or racing against time in a course would help you to raise your heart rate. Routinise paddleboarding would increase your condition.
2. It ensures to burn calorie
In case as much calorie is burning while playing a sport, this sport adress to huge mass. Amount of burned calorie cearly shows up why paddleboarding is most rapid growing sport from 2013.
3. It reduces stress
Everybody is under stress even in different levels. If your stress gets out of control, your situation may become serious and this causes mental disorders. It is important to keep your stress level under control for both of you and your loved ones. It is known that water has calming effect human body and mind. When you begin to paddleboard and find a rhythm, inhale clear whether you feel that stress lose its domination on you. A beautiful wiev relieves you and encourage your brain to proıduce seratonin and endorphin to make you happy. You would run for paddleboarding next time when life bores you.
4. Low affected exercises are healthy
Training is useful for body. However, a major part of training types are hjarmful for your muscle-skeleton system. We always hear that people injure while training. Paddleboarding is gentle to your body, includes standing, balancing and rowing. Possibility of muscle injury is low because it doesn’t put you excessive and unexpected impacts for your tendons and ligaments.It is recommended amputee sportsmen to try paddleboarding during their rehabilitation. It is effective in speeding up the healing process without any harm to the muscles.
5. It activates your whole body
In paddleboarding strength is distributed from neck to toes. As a beginning you must stand upright on an unbalanced surface during the session. While doing this it is impossible your leg muscles not to work because they must balance you for keeping your balance and center of gravity. While paddling your dorsal, abdominal muscles, arms and shoulder muscles always get involved. Keeping balance which is the key of paddleboarding can be provided only by activating your muscles in core area. If you use those whole advantages and sail to a new world on paddleboard, please do not hesitate to get an appointment and participate us by choosing most suitable program for you.
Please contact us for planning longtime works, price information and all questions you may have.